Thursday, April 26, 2007

Massage Therapy

A System That Has Been Practiced And Been Proven Over The Hundred Of Years

There are many benefits to getting massage therapy. Even though getting a single massage at a time is beneficial, getting continuous massage is still preferred for the long term benefits that are obtained. Massage being one of the oldest and simplest forms of therapy, can be given by anybody that is trained in the technique and people are known to have their favorite masseurs to whom they trust their minds, bodies and souls to get the much needed relaxation and even healing of wounds done by them.

The history of massage go back a long time and massage therapy has the advantage of being simple to perform as it involves a system in which the masseur strokes, presses and kneads different parts of the body in order to provide relief from pain, stress, injuries as well as relax and soothe, stimulate and tone the body. Through massage therapy, much more than just creating pleasant and soothing sensations is achieved because it will work on the softer tissues like muscles, tendons, and ligaments and thereby develop a much better tone of muscles.

Even though it may be thought that massage therapy only touches on the muscles that lie just beneath the skin, this is not so because the effects can also be felt by muscles embedded deeper into the human body and it may also provide relief to the organs themselves. There is additional benefit to be obtained from massage therapy because the overall blood circulation improves and assistance is given to the lymphatic system by helping to eliminate the waste produced by the body.

There are a number of benefits to massage therapy and these include relaxation, soothing feeling, healing of wounds and injuries, feeling much more reassured, easing of tension, stiffness and pain, makes breathing better, helps to circulate the blood better, as well as giving an enhanced feeling of an overall well-being. Massage therapy should not stop at just single massage sessions because, when spread over a number of sessions, its cumulative beneficial effects will have a longer lasting and be more effective on the human body.

Through regular massages, the skin tone improved while the human body mechanism is strengthened, thereby helping to eliminate stress, tension and unnecessary injuries. Other benefits also include strengthening the overall structure of the body. Massage therapy has a significant and positive effect on stimulating and calming our nervous system and so reduce fatigue and making the receiver feel more rejuvenated. The positive results of massage therapy can be demonstrated from the fact that it helps to make the individual's mental, physical and spiritual well-being get restored to a higher level.



Apple cider vinegar and getting rid of heartburn? The two don't seem to go together. In fact, the thought of drinking even the smallest amount of vinegar when acid is backwashing into your throat and esophagus sounds counterproductive. Vinegar has a high acid content. You want to curb the acid. Why would you expect apple cider vinegar to do the job?

Apple cider vinegar is a folk remedy for getting rid of heartburn. In fact, it is the TOP folk remedy for heartburn and acid reflux.

Recipe for Relief

Taking apple cider vinegar for heartburn relief is quite simple. Simply stir 2 Tablespoons of apple cider vinegar into 1/2 cup of water or apple juice. Drink this immediately after each meal. If your problem is acid reflux, and you have just had a heavy meal, increase the amount of apple cider vinegar and decrease the amount of water or juice.

Another option is to mix a "cocktail" of the following:

* 1 quart apple juice
* 1 pint purple grape juice
* 1/2 cup apple cider vinegar

Drink 1/2 cup after every meal for heartburn relief.

Recipes that use apple cider vinegar for getting rid of heartburn vary greatly. This is because individual bodies also vary greatly. Try different amounts of apple cider vinegar until you find what works for you.

Some people have found that one brand or another works better for them. Again, the difference is due to the variations in physical makeup.

How Apple Cider Vinegar Remedies Heartburn

Little research has been done on the effectiveness of apple cider vinegar for heartburn relief. Consequently, it is difficult to say how apple cider vinegar remedies heartburn. It appears that the acid content in vinegar somehow tells the stomach to stop producing more acid. Perhaps, in that way, apple cider vinegar is like the prescription medications that "shut down" the stomach's acid pumps to stop heartburn.

"Nexium," for example, is said to relieve heartburn symptoms "by inhibiting the secretion of acid produced in the stomach." (from the Ask Doc Web)

It is possible that apple cider vinegar relieves heartburn symptoms in the same way.

Apples May Help as Much as Apple Cider Vinegar

Apple cider vinegar does not taste good to most people. Because of that, some have tried eating a few slices of apple after a meal, and have gotten rid of heartburn that way. Not every apple works for heartburn, though. Some stick to green apples such as Granny Smith. Others recommend Jonagold apples for heartburn relief. Some recommend eating a few slices of Jonagold apple with a coupe of dill pickle spears. It's apple cider vinegar for heartburn without resorting to basic vinegar.

Helpful Tip: If you can get over the taste of apple cider vinegar, you will find it one of the most important natural remedies in healing the body.

Caution: The author is not a medical profession. The information in this article is for educational purposes only. If you have persistent heartburn, please see a physician for advice.


8 Factors Cause Acne

Acne, also known as pimples, whitehead or blackhead, is a kind of skin disease that can happen on any part of the body, but usually on the face, neck and upper body. Whitehead occurs when the plug remains below the skin surface. Blackhead happens when the plug is forced to the skin surface by the pressure of sebum and dead cells.

People can tell you many factors that cause acne. In summary, below are the key 8 factors that bring you to this unwanted skin disease. The 8 factors can be simply classified into 4 internal and 4 external factors.


1) Bacteria

The bacteria, named Propionibacterium Acnes (P. Acne), are typically live on our skin and cause to acne. The presence of P. Acne attracts white blood cells produce enzyme that causes local inflammation and redness. The presence of P. Acne does not cause by dirt or poor hygiene. Reducing P. Acne numbers through treatment can effectively reduce acne inflammation.

2) Sebum

Naturally, sebum, produces by sebaceous glands, "fill up" the hair follicles and the "over filled" sebum gives the skin surface an oily appearance. Sebum good to our skin as it makes our skin waterproof. Also, sebum helps to carry dead cells to exterior of skin. For reasons that are unknown, some hair follicles become obstructed and the sebum that trapped inside the hair follicles can cause P. Acne to grow. Eventually, it causes inflammation and redness to our skin.

3) Hormones (Androgens)

Many acne causes come from hormonal change or imbalance. Hormone changes due to stress, menstruation, pregnancy, starting or stopping birth control pills. The hormones that cause acne are called "androgen"'. Androgens stimulate the sebaceous glands and secrete sebum to the surface of the skin. Combination of sebum, P. Acne and toxin-blocked-pore aggravate the skin and causes inflammation and redness.

4) Genetics

Although not been proven, possible cause of acne is heredity or genetics because it does influence thickness of skin, oily tendencies of the skin and basic hormone responses. Even some studies have shown that acne development can be passed down from one generation to the next. However one's parent has acne does not necessarily mean that next generation will suffer from acne.


5) Improper skin care products

Improper skin care products can cause irritation to your skin. These include any products that can block oil pores. Besides, avoid applying herbal medication that has not been proven or approved. It might give you toxic reactions.

6) Over exposed to sunrays

Over exposure to sunrays cause skin damage and worsening existing acne. Some common acne medications can make your skin sensitive to the sun and lead to worse skin condition.

7) Picking and squeezing

Picking and squeezing acne is not recommended. Picking pushes bacteria deeper into the skin cells or spread the bacteria already beneath the surface of the skin. Squeeze acne using fingers can cause acne to become serious. In the situation that picking or squeezing is unavoidable, only dealing with blackheads and whiteheads, but not the swollen and red goobers.

8) Washing face too often

Too much washing can stimulate oil glands. Wash your face with mild soap and warm water 2 to 3 times a day. Again, acne is not caused by dirt and hygiene. Washing too often or too vigorously may actually make acne worse.

In conclusion, you can find thousands of resources related to acne skin care products, acne remedies, acne therapies and so on. Be aware of those who given mislead or wrong information. Also, many of them over claim their products over there. So, be a smart shopper, make sufficient survey and study before you spent money.



Ayurveda is an ancient system of health care, principal to the Indian sub-continent. The word "Ayurveda" is an amalgam of the word ayus meaning "life" and the word veda, which refers to a method of "knowledge". Therefore "Ayurveda" more or less translates as the "knowledge of life".

Ayurveda is a system that helps maintain wellbeing in a person by using the intrinsic principles of nature. In essence Ayurveda has been in existence since the beginning of time as we have always been governed by nature's laws.

Many Ayurvedic methods were handed down by word of mouth and were used before there were written records. Two ancient books, more than 2,000 years old, are thought to be the first texts on Ayurveda--Caraka Samhita and Susruta Samhita.

Ayurvedic Elements

Ayurveda believes that every human being is a made up of five primary elements. These five primary elements combine and create various physiological functions in the human body.

Ether or Space

These elements combine to form three doshas- Vata, Pitta and Kapha.

Ayurveda believes humans are all made up of unique proportions of Vata, Pitta and Kapha. These ratios of the doshas vary in each individual. Each person has one predominant dosha in their constitution.

An imbalance in the doshas is the cause of any disease. Imbalances may be caused by an unhealthy diet, too much or too little mental and physical work, or from the weather, chemicals, or germs.


Vata dosha.

Ether and air combine to form what is known as the Vata dosha. Vata administers to the principle of movement and is considered the most powerful of all doshas. It controls the very basic body developments such as cell division, heart, respiration, and the mind. Vata can be out of balance by, staying up late at night, or eating before the previous meal is digested. People with vata as their main dosha are thought to be particularly prone to skin, neurological, and mental diseases.

Pitta dosha.

Fire and water combine to form the Pitta dosha. Pitta controls the hormones and digestive system. When pitta is out of balance, a person experiences harmful emotions and has physical symptoms such as heartburn. Pitta is upset by, eating spicy or sour food; being angry, tired, or fearful, or spending too much time in the sun. People with a predominantly pitta constitution are vulnerable to heart disease and arthritis.

Kapha dosha.

The elements water and earth combine to form the Kapha dosha. Kapha is considered to help keep up strength and immunity and to control growth. A symptom of kapha imbalance is nausea immediately after eating. Kapha is aggravated by, sleeping during the daytime, eating too many sweet foods, and eating and drinking foods and beverages with too much salt and water .Those with a predominant kapha dosha are exposed to diabetes, gallbladder problems, stomach ulcers, and respiratory illnesses.

Ayurvedic Medicines

Ayurveda operates on the principle that materials of vegetable, animal, and mineral origin have an assortment of medicinal values. The medicinal properties of these materials have been established by the practitioners of Ayurveda over a period of 2,000 years.

Ayurveda has been used for centuries to cure illness and maintain good health. Ayurvedic medications are made from herbs or blend of herbs. Ayurveda also uses herbs in combination with minerals, metals and other ingredients of animal origin. The metals, animals and minerals are cleansed by diverse procedures before being used for medicinal purposes.

In Conclusion

Ayuerveda is a pure holistic treatment in sync with nature. It is health, not disease, specific and takes into account the patient's entire individuality - body, mind and spirit before treatment.



It has now been established that almost all the disease that occurs in our body is due to gastrointestinal disturbances. This is a primary principle of ayurveda that was laid about 5000 years back and is now scientifically proven.

Our digestive tract is the main source for us to draw energy from. It has the ability to extract the required energy from the food we take. But if for some reasons there is some kind of anomaly, it leads to a condition know as indigestion or ajirn, as per ayurvedic terminology. It might seem a small problem and has been frequently occurring to almost every one but if it regular in appearance then it has the capability to push you towards a diseased condition. Below are some of the disease that are frequently seen in people suffering from indigestion.

· Pain in abdomen
· Constipation
· High cholesterol levels
· Hypertension
· Low immunity
· Loss of appetite
· Acidity
· Fatigue
· Skin ailments
· Low vision
· Headache
· Diabetes
· Liver related ailments

I know you never gave a deep concern on your indigestive problems and has accepted it as a part of your life. But I can suggest you something that has the potential to make you free from all these problems. It is called triphala. It is sure that you must have heard about this herbal drug. Well if you are not aware of the wonders of triphala then read below.

Triphala is a classical ayurvedic preparation that has three main ingredients. These are Amalaki, Bhibitaki and Haritaki. These are known as Emblica officinale, Terminalia chebula and Terminalia belarica in biological terms respectively. It is considered the most potent herbal preparation due to its multiple applications.

Below are ten golden benefits of triphala:-

· Firstly it acts as an antioxidant agent preventing any free radical formation in the body. This property of triphala helps it to prevent early aging signs like wrinkles and premature graying of hairs.

· Secondly it is helpful in regularizing the normal peristaltic movements that are very essential for proper passage of food from one organ to another. This helps in aiding the digestion of food in proper amount of time.

· Thirdly it acts as an appetizer as it helps in proper digestion of the food.

· Fourthly it is very effective in stimulating the liver for its functioning to the optimized level. More over it also helps in secretion of the bile juices that are very much required for fat metabolism.

· It is very much helpful in reducing the plaque formation in the arteries thereby reducing the risk of heart related problems caused due to arteriosclerosis.

· Triphala helps in maintaining the proper levels of the cholesterol in the body thereby preventing us from fatal and deadly heart problems. It helps in curbing the formation of low density lipoprotein (LDL).

· It is very much effective in suppressing any kind of infection or foreign invasion in the blood thereby helpful in preventing any kind of skin related diseases and other infectious conditions in the body.

· It is helpful in maintaining the proper secretions of the endocrinal system that are responsible for maintaining the proper homeostasis in the body and aiding the proper functioning of all the physiological processes in the body.

· It is an excellent remedy for eyes related problems and helps in improving the eye vision and strengthens the muscles of the eyes.

· Last but not the least, being a mild laxative it helps in evacuating the bowel and therefore is considered as one of the best body detoxifier and facilitates expulsion of toxins out of the body.



Food high in fiber is found in fruits, vegetables and grains. It is the complex fiber structure that gives produce and grains their shape and keeps them from falling apart. Fiber is a subclass of carbohydrates. It consists mostly of cellulose, lignin, hemicellulose and pectin.

In the stomach fiber bonds are broken apart so nutrients and fiber particles and strands can do their magic in your stomach, small intestine, colon, and anus. Once food high in fiber is completely digested in the small intestine, fiber moves into the colon to complete its cycle in your body. If you have eaten enough fiber during a meal, your stools will have a certain shape, size, color and consistency and chances are you will not have constipation.

If you have not been eating food high in fiber, especially for many years, then mostly likely you will be struggling with having regular bowel movements.

Eating the right amount of fiber is not only necessary for keeping free of constipation but it is tied to your overall health. In the past, no one knew much about fiber. It was thought that it had no value as it entered and exited the body. But now, we know that if you don't eat food high in fiber you will live a short and painful death. Here are some of diseases that are related to not eating enough fiber.

Heart disease
Breast cancer
Prostate cancer
Gastrointestinal disorders
Hiatus hernia
High cholesterol
High blood pressure
All types of colon diseases

These are only a few diseases that you could develop. Do you see any of the diseases in this list that people come down with as they age? Did they eat enough fiber today? Will you eat enough fiber in the future? I hope so.

How should you eat fiber?

A general rule is to eat fruits and vegetables every day. Eat fruits in the morning to assist in purging out fecal matter that has accumulated in your colon and removing urine that your kidney has created by cleansing your blood during the night.

By eating fruits for breakfast you help remove toxins out of your colon by promoting a bowel movement. The fiber in fruits helps to clean your colon walls of tacky matter that accumulates there. This tacky matter is created when you don't eat enough fiber and your stools are mushy and sticky.

When you eat lunch or dinner, always eat vegetables with these meals. Vegetables are needed when you eat meat which does not have fiber. Vegetables are needed when you eat processed food that has no fiber. Always eat vegetables when eating bread since processed bread has no fiber. When bread is eaten without vegetables, fecal matter, chime, in the colon is hard to move and is sticky. It is this sticky matter that clings to your colon walls, which prevents your colon from being strong, flexible, healthy, and non-toxic.

Always chose to eat food high in fiber everyday. This is a necessity. You were built to thrive on fruits and vegetables. Without them you commit yourself to a life of pain and disease. And it all starts in the colon with constipation.


Fight Cancer With Your Spice Rack

A recent study, published in CA: A Cancer Journal for Clinicians proves that the common household spice turmeric is a powerful anti-oxidant and cancer-fighting agent. Turmeric has been used in curry dishes for centuries. The evidence of turmeric’s curative powers is overwhelming, and clinical trials have begun on cancer patients all over the country.

New reports suggest that the spice Turmeric (curcuma longa) may be a potent anti-cancer fighter. Recent studies have shown that turmeric, commonly used in curry dishes, is a powerful anti-oxidant and anti-inflammatory agent. Turmeric may also block the formation of cancer cells. According to CA: A Cancer Journal for Clinicians; pre-clinical trials revealed that turmeric can slow metastasis (the transmission of cancerous cells from an original site to one or more sites elsewhere in the body).

The active cancer-fighting ingredient in turmeric is called curcumin. Curcumin, naturally yellow in color, gives curry powder its vibrant color. It has been used safely as a natural food additive for years. Yellow mustard is one example.

Previous research shows that Curcumin is also effective against Crohn’s disease, psoriasis, atopic dermatitis, arthritis, and a slew of other illnesses. Curcumin is so effective for wound healing that Johnson & Johnson sells band-aids with curcumin (in India).

These initial studies are so promising that the University of Texas Anderson Cancer Center is funding additional trials on turmeric’s healing properties. Its affect on breast and pancreatic cancer patients will be studied later.

And even more good news-- curry tastes great, and has been used as a household spice for thousands of years. The only known side affect is stomach upset in some sensitive individuals. So add a little turmeric to your meal, it’s the spice with some major health benefits!


Why Should I Exercise?

Wow, now that is a tough question. NOT!

Hmm, let me think. Just off the top of my head, a few of the benefits of exercise are:

1. Lower risk of coronary heart disease
2. Lower risk of heart attack and stroke
3. Lower risk of diabetes
4. Lower risk of high blood pressure
5. Lower risk of becoming overweight or obese
6. Less fatigue
7. Look better
8. Feel stronger
9. Improved self-esteem
10. Lower direct medical expenses

The first 9 on the list are probably familiar but number 10 might be a new one. If all Americans became physically active, potential savings in health care and medical expense would be around $76 billion dollars annually!

Think about that figure.

That is a lot of money that can be saved simply if people would make a more concerted effort with to improve their weight management, caloric intake, and exercise.

Yup, that’s what it is all about…………………………………..

Health professionals recommend 30 minutes of moderate activity on most days of the week. The thirty minutes of activity does not need to be continuous and can be broken down into two or even three daily sessions. For maximum cardiovascular benefit, you should increase the intensity to increase your heart rate. You should select a variety of activities that you enjoy and find ways to incorporate them into your daily routine.

You don’t have to go out and buy any fancy equipment. For example to walk for thirty minutes, all you need are tennis shoes pus a couple of exercise shirts and pants or shorts.

People say, “I don’t have time to exercise.” Make time. You have time to work, to eat, to sleep, to cook, to clean, so why not time for exercise?

The bottom line is that the benefits of exercise for are worth the effort it takes to put in 30 minutes 5 days a week.

Take a good look at yourself in the mirror. Isn’t it time to get off that couch and do something?

Author: Lisa Newton CEO Weight1Minute


Monday, April 16, 2007

Treating Eczema

Eczema is a condition that is chronic. It is going to be something that is with you for your whole life. It is a condition that might cause you lots of discomfort, but it is a condition you can live with, even though at this time there is not cure for eczema.

It will usually be a lifelong therapy that you will have to do in order to control the symptoms of your eczema. You will probably have flare ups and remissions of psoriasis for your whole life.

Eczema is basically a case of dry skin. This is the way that it is most commonly referred to. However, it can be so much worse than this for some people. Some of the worst cases of eczema cause patients to actually have lesions on their skin and to be in great pain.

It is a condition that can develop early in life, and can often be very hard to treat. There is no cure for eczema, so if you have it, it will be with you for your entire life.

Sometimes, your eczema is going to be so severe that you might break out in lesions all over your body and will have to be hospitalized. These extremes represent both sides of the spectrum when it comes to eczema. Most people will have a case of eczema that falls in between the extremes, however, and need to find a suitable treatment for their unique case.

There are many different treatment courses that you might get for eczema. Depending on the severity and type of eczema you have, you will have different treatment options. It might be that you have a case of eczema that is so mild you do not know that you have it.

You may not be able to cure eczema, but dealing with your diet is a good way to prevent it from controlling your life. Many times eczema flare ups are caused because you are allergic to a certain food and you are eating it anyway.

One of the big causes of eczema is diet. So, the first step in preventing eczema flare ups is to take care to watch what you are eating. If you are eating certain foods and are noticing that you are having problems with your eczema after you eat them, you might be allergic to these foods.

Try to not eat them and see what happens. Once you have determined which foods cause a problem for you, you will be able to create a diet that is carefully balanced to your exact needs.

Many times there are certain foods that people eat which effect their eczema and they do not even realize that they might be being affected by it. Some of these foods include meat or fish, wheat, or citrus products, and also dairy products.

Because these products are often included in the ingredients of many different products, people might be eating foods that hurt their eczema without even knowing that they are doing so.

To treat your eczema, try to create a diet for yourself that is low in any of the above mentioned products. If you do not know what you are allergic too, try cutting out each of the different groups and seeing if that makes a difference.

Try to eat no dairy for awhile and see if there is a difference in your eczema. If there is no difference, try to cut out a different type of food. Your doctor will also be able to recommend easy ways to help your eczema by changing your diet.

There are also lotions and creams that are used to treat your eczema. These can be found both over the counter and by prescription.

Author: Keep YOURSELF looking and feeling great with these great FREE. Beauty Tips from

In just seconds you can access over 36 beauty topics that will keep you looking younger and more radiant. You can now get the very latest information on Eczema Skin Care by subscribing with RSS


Sunday, April 15, 2007

Type Of Eczema

Eczema is a type of chronic skin condition in which areas of your skin can become inflamed, itchy, and sore. While doctors have yet to unlock the deep secrets regarding the reasons behind eczema, they have plenty of good information that can help calm eczema flare-ups and prevent future ones.

Before you can begin treating your eczema, however, you must know what type you have. Though your skin is one large organ, different areas of your body may acquire eczema, and each one can be different from another.

It is important for you to know what type your eczema is classified as and where it can be found before you start treating it. Having all the information possible can help you get the most out of your treatments and free you as much as possible from the annoyances of eczema. Adult Seborrheic Eczema. If you are between 20 and 40, you can become affected by this type of eczema. Some specialists think this can be caused by yeast. It can begin as mild dandruff, but can spread to other areas such as your face, chest, or ears.

You may find your skin becoming red, inflamed, flakey, and you may also find patches of skin that are scaly, and yellow. You may have also heard this type referred to as seborrheic dermatitis.

Varicose Eczema. If your legs have poor circulation, you could acquire this form of eczema. Late in life you may find itchy and inflamed areas on your lower legs and ankles that appear dappled. It has also been referred to as stasis eczema.

Discoid Eczema. Found in adults, this form of eczema has also been called nummular eczema or gravitational eczema. Patches of skin that can appear almost anywhere on the body, but usually on the torso and lower legs. It appears in disc-shaped itchy spots that can potentially exude fluid.

Dyshidrotic Eczema. This form appears on the hands, fingers, and feet and will arise as blisters that are particularly itchy. Though the cause is not known, there is some speculation on various reasons, and it is believed that stress assists in aggravating the condition further. It can become more serious and lead to fluid seepage and cracking in the skin.

Contact Eczema. Dry flaky and itchy areas can appear due to constant contact with items that continuously irritate your skin or if you happen to be allergic to the item. Chemicals and latex are two possible allergens that can affect people. Avoiding prolonged contact with items that bother your skin can help you recover from this form of eczema.

Light Sensitive Eczema. This is a rare form of eczema that affects a person's hands, arms, and face. Though caused by sunlight, some products such as soaps, creams, and medications can act as catalysts to eczema appearances in sunlight.

Juvenile Plantar Eczema. A form that is more common in males and caused by constant irritation on the soles of feet due to footwear that is not fitting correctly. You may find that the sole of your foot has become sore, red, feels hot, and has a glazed appearance to it. Switch your footwear to make sure feet do not rub against the inside of the shoe to help clear up any problems, wear cotton socks to aid in further prevention, and if necessary, put ointments or other soothing products on feet.

Eczema Craquele. People who are older tend to develop this form of eczema as their skin is thinner and more prone to becoming dried out. It is also known as asteatotic eczema and creates large itchy scales on the skin, sometimes produced because of lingering soap from a shower or bath.

Eczema Herpeticum. When a person already has a form of eczema and he or she becomes infected with the herpes simplex virus, they can develop eczema herpeticum. Small groups of blisters or ulcers appear on the skin and can occur anywhere on the body. If left untreated and allowed to spread, this form of eczema can become fatal.

Atopic Eczema. This is the most common form of eczema and believed to be caused by allergens and other various skin irritants. It can be hereditary and affect both children and adults and appears as itchy, flaky patches of skin that are inflamed, red, and when scratched too often can lead to fluid seepage. Remember, it is important for you to completely understand your particular form of eczema in order to give yourself the best treatment. The more you know, the closer you are to steering clear of problems now and in the future.

Author: Keep YOURSELF looking and feeling great with these great FREE. Beauty Tips from

In just seconds you can access over 36 beauty topics that will keep you looking younger and more radiant. You can now get the very latest information on Eczema Treatments by subscribing with RSS


Friday, April 6, 2007

Bodybuilding Supplement

To supplement or not to supplement - that is the question on more bodybuilder's lips than ever before. Are they safe? Have you ever wondered what works and what doesn't?

Lets have a look at the basics.

There are various reasons why athletes may be interested in supplementation.

* Concern about getting adequate nutrients from our food supply.
* Suspicion of pharmaceuticals.
* Belief that diet alone will not achieve optimal nutrition

Supplements include the following:

* Vitamins
* Minerals
* Amino Acids
* Herbs

The concerning thing about supplements is that anything classified as a dietary supplement is not required to meet any FDA or other standards! Think about that! there are no regulations in place that guarantee the safety or purity of something sold as a supplement.

They are also not made to meet the similar safety requirements as prescription drugs or any other manufacturing standards. They are not required to meet product potency or purity ratings and are not required to prove the effectiveness of any health claim that is made.

Studies suggest that a number of supplements may deliver on advertising claims. However, trainees are spending large sums of money on products that have little or no proven usefulness.

Personally I find the use of supplements over rated and as with strength training, supplementation asks the same question

"If a little is good then maybe more has to be better"

Supplementation and steroids started to proliferate when volume strength training became the training system of the day. Young strength trainees slaving in the gym for five to six days a week was seen as normal. All this without making any progress or putting on any size whatsoever.

They then turned to the latest supplement or steroid thinking that this is the magic bullet to put on that added muscle when all the time they were just plain


The cold hard facts are that the majority of the regular trainees in your gym are overtraining. The sad reality is that the type of training that you find in bodybuilding books and magazines (and used by the stars) are irrelevant to the majority of
the population and has a high failure rate.

If more bodybuilders started using more infrequent, short, high intensity weight training sessions, followed by the required amount of time to recover and become stronger...

"Most of the Muscle building supplements and steroids available today would not be needed"

. The bottom line on weight gain supplements

* Before taking a supplement try to make modifications to your diet that might achieve the same goals.
* Only choose products that show the amount of active ingredients on the label that are required.
* Be aware that "natural" does not mean 'safe'
* Some herbal supplements may have unpleasant side effects.

Listed below are some popular bodybuilding supplements available on the market today:

Creatine monohydrate

Creatine was first introduced to the market place some eight years ago and has since become the most popular bodybuilding supplement of all time.

Creatine is said to significantly increase lean muscle mass, improve performance, increase energy levels and speed up recovery rates.

Creatine also stimulates the uptake of amino acids in the proteins, which means that the more that it's used the more muscle that may be grown.

Dosage: A loading phase of 20grams a day for the first five days then a maintenance phase of 5grams a day from then on.

Whey Protein isolate

The highest yield of protein currently available and is extracted from milk. This is another popular supplement for athletes and bodybuilders because of its high proportion of amino acids.

It is supposed to be high in potassium, which is essential
for muscle growth and is an antioxidant and a good immune system builder.

Dosage: 20gms - 100gms a day.

Tribulus Terrestris

Tribulus terrestris is a plant that grows in many tropical and moderate areas of the world and is very rich in chemical compounds such as saponins, flavonoids and alkaloids.
Tribulus terrestris is supposedly a testosterone enhancer and increases sex drives in both men and women.

Dosage as per bottle.


Is a non-essential amino acid, which makes up to 60% of the amino acids in the bodies muscles. Glutamine containing products are protein shakes and good quality protein powders; it can also be added to protein shakes for added potency.

Dosage: 5grams to 15 grams per day.

So there you have it, a supplement is something added to the diet to make up for a nutritional deficiency or imbalance, they are not intended to substitute for eating a balanced diet. If they are to be taken at all they should only be used to supplement the diet and not replace it.


Supplements For Diabetes


Diabetes is a chronic condition in which body does not produce or produce less insulin compared to healthy individual or body develops resistance to insulin (body does not respond to insulin).

Most foods that we consume finally enter into the blood in form of carbohydrate, fat & protein. From blood, these nutrients enter into cells. Insulin is required for this entry of glucose into cells. Body cells utilize carbohydrate & fat for energy & growth.

Because of less insulin or resistance to insulin in diabetes, blood sugar cannot enter into cells & remain in blood resulting in high blood sugar.

Studies have shown that supplements like chromium, alpha lipoic acid & vanadium plays an important role in the management of diabetes.

Chromium supplements in diabetes:

Diabetes is associated with low concentrations of chromium in blood, so, an early, long-term addition of chromium to the standard therapy has been recommended in several studies. Some latest clinical reports also support the safety and therapeutic value of chromium supplementation for the management of high cholesterol and sugar in subjects with diabetes.

Chromium increases insulin receptor numbers & insulin binding to cells. Since chromium acts by increasing insulin efficiency, so lower amount of insulin is required in presence of chromium.

A clinical study published in ‘Diabetes Care. (2006, August)’ has shown that chromium supplementation in subjects with type 2 diabetes significantly improves insulin sensitivity and glucose control. Chromium supplementation also reduced body weight gain and fat accumulation

A latest review article published in Diabetes Technol Ther. 2006 December has mentioned that 13 of 15 clinical studies involving a total of 1,690 subjects reported significant improvement in at least one outcome of glycemic control. (Glycemic control is a medical term used for blood sugar levels in a person with diabetes) Beneficial effects of chromium supplementation included reduced blood glucose, cholesterol, and triglyceride levels and reduced requirements for drugs for diabetes.

Reduction in blood sugar & improvement in insulin sensitivity with chromium results in decrease risk for diabetes complications.

Alpha lipoic acid in Diabetes:

Alpha lipoic acid is a powerful antioxidant, which is produced in the body & also present in food. High blood sugar in diabetes increases free radical formation in body, which leads to additional complications of diabetes like atherosclerosis, heart problems, nerve damage & cataract. Antioxidant decreases free radicals in body & decreases risk of complications.

There are number of publications confirming beneficial effect of lipoic acid in therapy of many diseases, including diabetes, atherosclerosis, degenerative processes in neurons, diseases of joints,

A recent clinical study on diabetic patients treated with alpha lipoic acid was published in ‘hormones (Athens). 2006 Oct-Dec 5(4)’. The result of the study has proved that short-term oral alpha-lipoic acid treatment increases peripheral insulin sensitivity in patients with type 2 diabetes.

Improvement in insulin sensitivity could improve both blood sugar control and cardiovascular risk factors in patients with type 2 diabetes.

Peripheral insulin sensitivity gives an idea about how body cells respond to insulin. In diabetes, because of decrease response to insulin by body cells, blood sugar cannot enter into cells causing high blood glucose. Alpha lipoic acid enhances glucose uptake by cells in type 2 diabetes.

Diabetic neuropathy or nerve damage is a complication of diabetes. It is a progressive disease, which can cause pain, loss of sensation and weakness, in the feet and sometimes in the hands. Studies have shown that alpha lipoic acid is effective in management of diabetic nerve damage called neuropathy and it reduces pain associated with neuropathy.

Vanadium supplement in diabetes:

Vanadium is a trace mineral required by the body in small quantities. Numerous studies have shown that vanadium has insulin-like effects in liver, skeletal muscle, and adipose tissue. It may improve glucose control in people with type 2 diabetes.

Along with chromium & alpha lipoic acid, some other supplement like evening primrose oil, fenugreek & some herbs also help in management of diabetes.


Wednesday, April 4, 2007


Eczema actually refers to any inflammation of the skin and can take a multitude of forms. However, many people are referring to Atopic Dermatitis (AD) when they say the word eczema. Approximately 15% of the global population, 17 million of which are American, suffers from eczema.

It begins in childhood, and quite often goes into relapse for periods. Some of these remission periods can last many years, much to the relief of the patient. Eczema is not contagious but can only be controlled, not cured.

AD tends to cycle through periods of flare ups and remission throughout the lifetime of the patient and science has yet to understand the exact cause of this form of eczema. It is understood that genetics play a factor in combination with various outside triggers (irritants, allergens, stress, and other things).

The immune system also seems to play a part in AD. When people with eczema come into contact with one of their triggers, inflammation producing chemicals are released into the skin that immediately cause swelling, redness, and itching. The system tends to over produce these chemicals and does not quit once the trigger is not there.

Symptoms: Each person has symptoms that may look different, often very different. The most common symptoms are itching, red skin, silvery scaling, and slight swelling. Often you will find the affected area to be a bit feverish. Scratching tends to cause breaks in the skin which result in open lesions that drain clear pus and crust over with a honey yellow crust.

You may see tiny blister like pustules (like you see in poison ivy, which is a form of eczema). These tend to break when scratched and spread because of the allergen which is still held there. In cases like poison ivy, contagion is possible simply because so many other people are allergic to it.

Contagion of poison ivy is only possible through direct contact with broken blisters in the affected area. Any part of the body may be affected and many of the forms of eczema are directly linked to certain body areas. AD is not so specifically linked. It may show up anywhere, but is most prominent on the face, neck, torso, and extremities (arms, legs, hands, and feet).

The insides of the elbow and the back of the knee are the number one locations for the disease to manifest itself.

Itching is caused from the affected area coming in contact with a variety of things that irritate it, such as clothing, soaps, chemicals, etc. These things are referred to as itch triggers.

Eczema tends to affect both men and women equally, but affects Caucasians more than other races. Age sometimes looks like a factor as children are more often diagnosed than older people, but it needs to be taken into account that just a few decades ago, the disease was often misdiagnosed.

Many adults that have recently been diagnosed may have had manifestations as children, but were not correctly informed as to the condition. Eczema most often appears during early years, infancy and toddler stages, of a individuals life.

People affected tend to have a family history of allergic reactions (hay fever and asthma) or eczema. Many patients also display respiratory ailments due to allergies. A daily antihistamine may be of help to eczema sufferers because of this.

Treatment varies, but generally patients are prescribed a topical (applied to the surface of the skin) medication. The most prescribed topical medications are corticosteroids and have a variety of strengths. If topical treatment does not relieve the symptoms, patients may receive phototherapy, with is a concentration of specialized UV rays focused on the affected area.

Third phase treatment or treatment for very server cases is prescribed systemic medications. These are medications that are taken into the body, whether orally or by injection. Systemic medications tend to be steroids. Researchers are currently working on new possibilities in treatment.

Things that patients can do to help keep their eczema under control include:

Keep the skin clean using mild soap that is fragrance and dye free, but do not over bathe. A cream or petroleum based moisturizer should be applied to wet skin after baths and any other contact with water (such as hand washing). Pat skin dry instead of rubbing.

Recognize and avoid triggers Avoid stress Wear 100% cotton next to the skin Cleanse the skin as soon as possible after perspiringHealth Fitness Articles, remembering to apply moisturizer Avoid sudden changes in temperature as much as possible.

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Tuesday, April 3, 2007


The one thing people most often say to me is, "my metabolism has slowed down", but very few individuals truly understand what metabolism is or how to improve it.

Metabolism is the term used for all of the physical and chemical reactions in the body. The chemical reactions of metabolism take the food we eat and transform it into fuels and building blocks for the body. These chemical reactions are necessary for providing energy for activities such as movement and thinking, and for organ function such as digestion, and the formation of urine. These reactions are also critical for breaking down old tissue and building new tissue.

The foods that we consume are chemically complex. They must be broken down by the body into simpler chemical forms called nutrients. Nutrients are taken in through the intestinal walls and transported by the blood to the cells. The processes involved are called digestion, absorption, and metabolism.

Digestion begins the process through a series of physical and chemical changes by breaking down the food in preparation for absorption from the intestinal tract into the bloodstream. Digestion actually begins when chewing breaks large pieces of food into smaller pieces.

The next step in this process is absorption. Absorption takes place primarily in the small intestine, where its surface area is comparable to a quarter of a football field and its length is 20 feet. That's pretty amazing, isn't it?

Nutrients are taken up by the intestines and passed into the bloodstream to facilitate cell metabolism. Within 3 to 4 hours after a meal has been eaten, the body must find a way to absorb millions of nutrient molecules including amino acids (proteins), monosaccharides, monoglycerides, glycerol (carbohydrates), fatty acids and glycerol (fats), vitamins, and minerals.

A whole lot of stuff goes on here, with villi (several hundred cells covered with microscopic hairs) in constant motion, trapping nutrient molecules and digesting and absorbing them into the cells.

By the time we get to metabolism, the handling of food within the body has reached its final stage. The process of metabolism involves all the chemical changes that nutrients undergo from the time they are absorbed until they become part of the body or are excreted from the body. Metabolism is the conversion of the digested nutrients into components for energy or for building material for living tissue.

Metabolism happens in two general phases that occur simultaneously, anabolism and catabolism. Anabolism (uses energy) involves all the chemical reactions that the nutrients undergo in the construction or building up of body chemicals and tissues such as blood, enzymes, and hormones.

Catabolism (releases energy) involves the reactions in which various compounds are used to do the body's work, to produce heat, or to be stored for later use.

Energy from carbohydrates, fats, and protein for the body's cells, comes from their conversion to glucose, which combines with oxygen in a series of chemical reactions that form carbon dioxide, water and cellular energy. The energy is used for body functions, and the carbon dioxide and water are waste products that are carried out of the body by the bloodstream.

The process of metabolism requires that extensive systems of enzymes be maintained to facilitate the thousands of different chemical reactions that must be performed, and also to regulate the rate at which these reactions proceed. The presence of protein, vitamins, and minerals is essential for these enzymes to perform their functions at their very best.

One of the biggest problems I see with individuals is the lack of time they take to consume their food - their very essence of life. Not only are they eating junk food, or foods with little nutritional value, they are also consuming them rapid fire. Eating while agitated, fatigued, or all stressed out may give rise to gastrointestinal disturbances.

If a person is under stress, digestive secretions are reduced and the blood is routed to the muscles more than to the digestive tract. This action impairs efficient absorption of nutrients. To digest and absorb food best, one should be relaxed and tranquil at mealtimes. Hurried meals under tense conditions are not beneficial to normal digestion.

The information presented here is for informational purposes only. It is not intended to treat or diagnose any medical condition. It is imperative that you take your health into your own hands and empower yourself by researching all of your options. With the vast amount of information available on-line, you can arm yourself with an arsenal of information that will assist you and your healthcare practitioner in creating the best plan of treatment for your needs. Here are a few resources to get you started: - 61 Ways to Boost Your Calorie Burn - Here you will find information on Weight Loss/Weight Gain, Nutrition ProgramsFree Web Content, Ask the Expert and much more. Very informative site. - Great article on dieting and metabolism



Relaxing and meditating at home is easy but how do you relax when you are in the middle of a crowd of people?

You know how it is? You're in the middle of a crowd, tension's at breaking point, and you've just got to relax but there's people all around you.

First off, don't panic! Relaxing in a crowd or within a group of people is really easy once you know how and this is how you do it. Begin by going through the ritual of tensing and relaxing your muscles starting at your feet and ending at your head (or your hands if you do it that way). If you can, close your eyes, otherwise relax your gaze and try to look at something unchanging.

If you have never done this before, you tense and relax each part of your body from your toes to your legs, then your tummy, your chest, your neck and head and finally your arms and fingers.

As you do it, say to yourself: “I am tensing my feet – now I am relaxing my feet” and so on for all the muscle groups. It is important to do this because it takes your mind away from events going on around you and puts the focus where you want it: on your body.

Now breathe slowly and a little more deeply. Your body will automatically begin to relax if you breath slowly and deeply, this is an automatic reaction that your body does on it's own,

To begin the relaxation process you need to take the present moment out of your mind and so you need something to replace it. Choose a word or phrase that you can repeat over and over again. If you do not already have a suitable word or phrase try something like 'Peace and stillness within me and without' or a single word like 'Oneness' or, perhaps, a word or phrase from your religion.

The actual phrase doesn't matter as you will say this to yourself slowly and rhythmically as you breath and it will soon lose any meaning that it had. Again, this has the automatic result of clearing your mind and getting you to focus on what is happening within your own body.

If you are experienced in meditation, you simply continue to do this as if you were at home and let your mind and body relax. Experience will tell you when to stop and you then simply allow yourself to slowly rejoin the world around you.

If you are not so experienced then relaxation is harder to do, especially with people around you! Just try as best you can to block out the world and concentrate on the word you are saying. It you want, you can try several times, perhaps getting a little further each time but stop when you feel you need to.

When you have finished, don't suddenly open your eyes and look around you. Allow yourself to rejoin the world at your own pace by becoming aware of the sounds around you, the smells and finally the sights and people. If it helps you can say to yourself: “Now, I'm listening to the, I'm smelling the world...and now, I'm seeing the world!”

Remember, you don't have to be any special sort of person to do this and don't worry if you find thoughts intruding while you are trying to relax or if the outside world is still there. It's OK to just do the best that you can.

That's it! That's all you have to do. At some point you will 'surface' and resume waiting or whatever you were doing. As a final thing, say to yourself: “It's OKBusiness Management Articles, the world is a good place and I am a strong person within it who can cope!”

The difference now is that your mind will be recharged and you will feel relaxed and at one with the world and those around you.


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